War Pigs (2015)


“War Pigs” (2015) is a war action film directed by Ryan Little, featuring an ensemble cast including Luke Goss, Dolph Lundgren, and Mickey Rourke. Set during World War II, the film tells the story of a ragtag unit of misfit soldiers tasked with a dangerous mission behind enemy lines. Despite mixed reviews, “War Pigs” offers a blend of action, camaraderie, and the classic war movie trope of unlikely heroes rising to the occasion.

Plot Overview

The story follows Captain Jack Wosick (Luke Goss), a disgraced officer given a second chance to prove himself. He is assigned to lead the “War Pigs,” a motley crew of soldiers known for their insubordination and lack of discipline. Among them are Sergeant McGreevy (Dolph Lundgren), a tough and seasoned warrior, and Hans Picault (Noah Segan), a Frenchman with valuable knowledge of the German defenses. Their mission is to infiltrate enemy territory and capture a Nazi superweapon that could change the course of the war.

Under the strict guidance of Major A.J. Redding (Mickey Rourke), Wosick and his team undergo rigorous training to prepare for the mission. As they bond over shared hardships and confront their personal demons, they transform from a group of misfits into a cohesive fighting unit. The mission’s success hinges on their ability to work together and trust one another in the face of overwhelming odds.

Themes and Character Development

“War Pigs” explores themes of redemption, camaraderie, and the resilience of the human spirit. Captain Wosick’s journey from disgrace to redemption is central to the narrative, highlighting the possibility of second chances and the power of leadership. His growth as a leader mirrors the transformation of the War Pigs, emphasizing the importance of unity and mutual respect.

The film delves into the personal backgrounds and motivations of its characters, adding depth to their roles. Sergeant McGreevy’s hardened exterior hides a man deeply affected by the horrors of war, while Hans Picault’s knowledge and skills are driven by a desire to avenge his fallen comrades. These individual stories create a richer tapestry of the human experience during wartime, showcasing the diverse ways people cope with and confront the realities of conflict.

Visual Style and Cinematic Approach

Director Ryan Little employs a gritty and realistic visual style, capturing the harsh and brutal conditions of World War II. The film’s cinematography, by John Lyde, uses muted colors and stark contrasts to evoke the period’s atmosphere. The battle scenes are intense and well-choreographed, emphasizing the chaos and unpredictability of combat.

The film’s production design effectively recreates the wartime environment, with attention to detail in costumes, weaponry, and settings. This authenticity enhances the film’s immersive quality, transporting the audience to the front lines alongside the War Pigs. The use of practical effects and realistic sound design further adds to the visceral impact of the action sequences.


Luke Goss delivers a compelling performance as Captain Wosick, capturing the character’s inner turmoil and eventual growth. His portrayal balances vulnerability and strength, making Wosick a relatable and sympathetic protagonist. Dolph Lundgren’s Sergeant McGreevy provides a formidable presence, bringing a mix of toughness and wisdom to the role.

Mickey Rourke, as Major Redding, adds gravitas to the film with his seasoned performance. Though his screen time is limited, Rourke’s character serves as a crucial mentor figure, guiding Wosick and the War Pigs. The supporting cast, including Noah Segan and Chuck Liddell, contribute solid performances that flesh out the ensemble and add depth to the story.


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