Special Ops: Lioness



“Special Ops: Lioness” (2023) is an action thriller series created by Taylor Sheridan. The show follows a covert CIA program known as Lioness, designed to embed female operatives into dangerous terrorist organizations. The protagonist, Joe, played by Zoe Saldaña, leads the program and recruits Cruz Manuelos, a tough and resourceful Marine, portrayed by Laysla De Oliveira, to help infiltrate a deadly terrorist cell.

As Joe and Cruz work together, they face intense challenges and moral dilemmas, navigating a world of espionage, betrayal, and high-stakes missions. The series explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the complex nature of undercover work.
“Special Ops: Lioness” is praised for its gripping storytelling, strong performances, and thrilling action sequences. With its focus on the unique challenges faced by female operatives in the field, the show offers a fresh perspective on the espionage genre, combining suspenseful drama with thought-provoking themes.

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