Land of Bad – 2024


“Land of Bad” (2024), directed by William Eubank and co-written with David Frigerio, is an action thriller that combines intense firefights, strategic military maneuvers, and personal drama. Starring Liam Hemsworth, Russell Crowe, Luke Hemsworth, Ricky Whittle, and Milo Ventimiglia, the film centers on a covert Special Forces operation in the Philippines that spirals into a brutal 48-hour battle for survival.

Plot Summary

The film kicks off with a high-stakes mission involving an elite extraction team led by Sgt. Kinney (Liam Hemsworth). When the team is ambushed deep in enemy territory, Kinney, a rookie officer, is left outnumbered and must navigate the treacherous landscape to rescue his comrades. His only hope lies in the guidance of Reaper (Russell Crowe), an Air Force drone pilot who helps Kinney through remote operations. The narrative weaves through intense combat sequences and strategic challenges, all while an impending airstrike looms.


Liam Hemsworth’s portrayal of Sgt. Kinney is compelling, showcasing a blend of vulnerability and determination as he tackles insurmountable odds. Russell Crowe, as Reaper, brings gravitas and emotional depth to the film, effectively conveying the stress and responsibility of his role. The supporting cast, including Luke Hemsworth and Milo Ventimiglia, adds robustness to the ensemble, each contributing to the film’s intense atmosphere.

Direction and Cinematography

William Eubank’s direction is marked by dynamic action sequences and a tight narrative pace. The film’s visual style captures the rugged and perilous environment of the South Philippines, enhancing the story’s tension and urgency. Eubank employs a mix of close-up shots and expansive battlefield scenes, creating a visually engaging experience. The cinematography effectively uses light and shadow to underscore the film’s themes of survival and desperation​ (Roger Ebert)​​ (The Review Geek)​.

Themes and Analysis

“Land of Bad” delves into themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the psychological toll of warfare. The characters’ moral dilemmas and the high-stakes environment force them to confront their deepest fears and instincts. The film examines the bonds formed in combat and the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their team. Despite its action-driven plot, the movie attempts to explore the human aspects of military operations, though some critics note that it occasionally falls into genre clichés.


Critical reception for “Land of Bad” has been mixed. Reviewers have praised the film’s action sequences and performances, particularly highlighting Hemsworth and Crowe’s roles. However, some criticism has been directed at the film’s predictable plot and underdeveloped character arcs. The balance between action and narrative depth has been a point of contention, with some feeling that the film leans too heavily on familiar tropes without offering substantial innovation


“Land of Bad” is a solid entry in the action thriller genre, delivering high-stakes combat and strong performances. While it may not redefine the genre, it offers enough excitement and emotional engagement to satisfy fans of military action films. The combination of Eubank’s direction and a talented cast ensures that the film remains a thrilling, if somewhat conventional, cinematic experience.


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