Blacklight – 2022


“Blacklight” (2022) is an action-thriller film starring Liam Neeson as Travis Block, an off-the-books fixer for the FBI who rescues undercover agents in trouble. Block’s life takes a turn when he discovers a conspiracy within his own agency, involving FBI Director Gabriel Robinson, played by Aidan Quinn. The film combines standard action sequences with a plot that includes government corruption and family drama.


The film has generally received negative reviews. Critics have noted that it falls into the category of generic thrillers that Neeson has been known for in recent years, with predictable plot points and lackluster action scenes. The story begins with the assassination of a politician, resembling a real-life figure, which sets off a series of events leading Block to question his role and the integrity of those he works for. However, the film fails to effectively capitalize on its themes of corruption and justice, often sidelining them for uninspired action sequences.


The performances, especially Neeson’s, are seen as uninspired and comparable to those of Steven Seagal in his prime, focusing more on physicality than depth. The film’s action scenes are described as perfunctory and devoid of suspense, making the overall experience feel stale and formulaic​ 


In conclusion, “Blacklight” is seen as another forgettable entry in Neeson’s filmography, notable more for its adherence to action-thriller clichés than any standout qualities. The film might appeal to die-hard fans of the genre but offers little to those seeking originality or engaging storytelling.

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