Hyena Road (2015)


“Hyena Road” (2015), directed by Paul Gross, is a Canadian war drama set against the backdrop of the war in Afghanistan. The film offers a gripping and realistic portrayal of modern warfare, focusing on the complex and often morally ambiguous nature of military operations in a volatile region.

The story centers around three main characters: Ryan Sanders (Rossif Sutherland), a sniper who is part of a Canadian Forces reconnaissance team; Pete Mitchell (Paul Gross), a seasoned intelligence officer; and Captain Jennifer Bowman (Christine Horne), who plays a critical role in the mission. Their lives intersect during a mission to build a critical road in Kandahar Province, a project meant to secure a strategic region and win the hearts and minds of the local population.


“Hyena Road” delves into the intricacies of military strategy, the cultural and political challenges of operating in Afghanistan, and the personal toll of combat. The film is notable for its authenticity, as it was shot on location in Jordan, with realistic depictions of military equipment and procedures. Director Paul Gross, who also stars in the film, brings a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, drawing from real-life experiences and interviews with soldiers.


The film’s action sequences are intense and well-executed, providing a visceral sense of the dangers faced by soldiers on the ground. At the same time, “Hyena Road” explores the human side of war, highlighting the bonds formed between soldiers and the ethical dilemmas they encounter.


“Hyena Road” received positive reviews for its realistic portrayal of modern warfare and the performances of its cast. It offers a compelling and thought-provoking look at the complexities of the Afghan conflict, making it a significant entry in the war film genre.

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