Escape and Evasion (2019)


“Escape and Evasion,” directed by Storm Ashwood and released in 2019, is a gripping Australian war drama that delves deep into the psychological aftermath of combat. The film stars Josh McConville as Seth, a soldier grappling with his experiences during a harrowing mission in Myanmar. The story is a poignant exploration of guilt, trauma, and the struggle to find redemption after the horrors of war.


The narrative unfolds with Seth returning home, haunted by memories of a botched mission that resulted in the deaths of his comrades. As he attempts to reintegrate into civilian life, he is plagued by PTSD, which manifests in disturbing flashbacks and emotional turmoil. The film does not shy away from depicting the raw and unfiltered reality of a soldier’s mental health battle, highlighting Seth’s isolation and the strain it places on his relationships, particularly with his estranged daughter and a persistent journalist seeking the truth about what happened in Myanmar.


The journalist, portrayed by Bonnie Sveen, adds a layer of tension and intrigue to the story. Her quest to uncover the details of the mission forces Seth to confront his demons and the cover-up that followed the tragic events. Through her interactions with Seth, the film delves into themes of accountability and the moral complexities of warfare. The journalist’s determination to unveil the truth contrasts with Seth’s desire to bury the past, creating a compelling dynamic that drives the plot forward.


“Escape and Evasion” excels in its portrayal of the psychological scars left by war, supported by a strong performance from McConville. The film’s atmospheric cinematography and haunting score further immerse the audience in Seth’s troubled psyche. Director Storm Ashwood effectively balances the intense emotional weight of the story with moments of suspense and action, making “Escape and Evasion” a thought-provoking and impactful war drama. The film’s exploration of post-war trauma and the quest for redemption resonates deeply, offering a sobering look at the enduring impact of conflict on those who serve.

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